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Modified Stock Services


Modified Stock Component Services

Edmund Optics offers extensive coating capabilities for optical components operating throughout the ultraviolet, visible, and infrared spectra. Coatings can be applied to uncoated substrates such as lenses, windows, or prism faces to modify performance characteristics or to create specialized optical components including beamsplitters and optical filters.

Available Coatings:

  • Standard Anti-Reflection and High Reflection Coatings can be applied to uncoated substrates such as lenses, windows, prism faces.
  • Broadband or Laser Line Designs available covering UV, Visible, and Infrared Wavelengths
  • Additional coating types such as Transparent-Conductive Indium-Tin Oxide (ITO) or High Laser Damage Threshold Coatings also available.

Plate Beamsplitters

Example: Plate Beamsplitters

Create a custom plate beamsplitter that has been designed to meet your application needs by selecting one of our stock plate beamsplitters and quickly modifying dimension, wavelength range, and splitting ratio.

Standard Plate Beamsplitters Substrate Wavelength Range R/T Ratios
Visible and NIR Plate Beamsplitters N-BK7 400 - 700nm, 700 - 1100nm 20/80, 30/70, 40/60, 50/50, 60/40, 70/30, 80/20
Plate Beamsplitters Float Glass 400 - 700nm 25/75, 30/70, 40/60, 50/50, 70/30, 75/25
UV Plate Beamsplitters UV Fused Silica 250 - 450nm 30/70, 50/50, 70/30

Cube Beamsplitters

Example: Cube Beamsplitters

Using uncoated right angle prisms from stock, Edmund Optics can quickly assemble custom cube beamsplitters in sizes ranging from 5 to 75mm. Customized splitting ratios and wavelength ranges available.

Standard Cube Beamsplitters Substrate Wavelength Range R/T Ratios
Broadband Non-Polarizing Cube Beamsplitters N-BK7 430 - 670nm, 720 - 1080nm, 1100 - 1620nm 50/50
Broadband Polarizing Cube Beamsplitters N-SF11 420 - 680nm, 700 - 1100nm Reflect S / Transmit P
Laser Line Polarizing Cube Beamsplitters N-BK7 488nm, 532nm, 780nm, 850nm, 980nm, 1064nm Reflect S / Transmit P
Standard Cube Beamsplitters N-BK7 400 - 700nm 30/70, 50/50, 70/30

Optical Filters

Example: Optical Filters

Need a customized filter? We can quickly and easily apply precision filter coatings to uncoated substrates. Bandpass Filters, Notch Filters, Dichroic and Edge Filters, Color Substrate Filters, and Neutral Density Filters can be modified to meet specific dimensional or performance requirements.

Filter Type Wavelength Range Measured Optical Density
Single Substrate Bandpass Filters 300nm - 2.0µm ≥4, ≥6
Traditional Bandpass Filters 193nm - 10.6µm ≥3, ≥4
Notch Filters 355nm - 1.064µm ≥2, ≥4
Shortpass Filters 400nm - 1.2µm ≥2, ≥4
Dichroic Filters 400nm - 1.2µm N/A
Colored Glass Bandpass Filters 285nm - 1000nm N/A
Neutral Density Filters UV, VIS, NIR, IR 0.1 - 4.0
Filter Coating Capabilities Typical Specifications/Tolerances
Dimensions (Diameter or Square) 2-100nm
Substrates All Glass Types
Spectral Range 193nm - 14µm
Edge Steepness (T50% to OD > 4) <0.5%
Spectral Edge Tolerance <1% Deviation, <0.2% Special Cases
Neutral Density Tolerance OD ±5%
Center Wavelength ±1nm
Bandwidth 1nm - Broadband
Transmission >95%, Typical
Reflection 0.1 - 99.5%
Polarization (S:P) 10,000:1
Laser Damage Threshold Up to 20 J/cm² @ 20 ns Pulses
Durability MIL-STD-810F, Section 507.4,
MIL-C-48497A, Section 3.4.1

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Quick Modifications to Component Dimensions

Customize lenses, mirrors, windows, beamsplitters, polarizers, and prisms in 2-3 weeks!

Diameter Reduction

Diameter Reduction

Need an optic of a specific size? We can quickly and easily reduce the outer diameter of our off-the-shelf optics to meet your exact requirement.

Application Examples:

  • Exact/precision fit an optic to your lens barrel
  • Match filter diameters to your unique system
Typical Tolerances
Starting Part Size 6 – 400mm
Minimum Finished Diameter 3.5mm
Diameter Tolerance ± 0.1mm
Clear Aperture 80%
Beam Deviation 3 - 5 arcmin
Bevel Angle Tolerance 45° ±15°
Edge Chips = 0.50mm
Surface Quality 80-50



For design applications requiring a unique shape, a truncated lens, window, or mirror may be the best option. A truncation occurs when one or more straight cuts are applied to a round optic.

Application Examples:

  • Remove excess material in weight-sensitive applications
  • Custom mounting and fixturing
Typical Specifications
Starting Part Size 5 – 300mm
Minimum Finished Size 3.0mm
Maximum Thickness 30mm
Truncation Width Tolerance ± 0.1mm
Beam Deviation 3 - 5 arcmin
Bevel Angle Tolerance 45° ±15°
Edge Chips = 0.50mm
Surface Quality 80-50

Linear Cut to Size

Linear Cut to Size

Need a custom sized or shaped optic? We can cut any optic to meet your needs. For thin, flat optics, we offer an economical and easily repeatable scribe and break process. For thicker optics, our expert team may use precision saw cuts to create the desired geometry. A linear cut to size is not limited to only flat optics; the process can also be applied to optics with curved surfaces. For instance, a PCX lens can be modified from having a circular diameter to having a square outer edge.

Application Examples:

  • Remove excess material in weight-sensitive applications
  • Custom mounting and fixturing
  • Custom viewing windows
Typical Specifications
Starting Part Size 5 – 300mm
Minimum Finished Size 3mm
Maximum Thickness 30mm
Truncation Width Tolerance ± 0.1mm
Bevel Angle Tolerance 45° ±15°
Edge Chips = 0.50mm
Surface Quality 80-50

Edge Blackening

Edge Blackening

Is stray light interfering with your system’s performance? Stray light is energy outside of the clear aperture of an optical system that scatters off of the edges of an optical or mechanical component and reaches the sensor in the form of noise. Because stray light contributes noise rather than signal, stray light is a common limiting factor in overall performance of multi-element systems. To minimize stray light, we can edge blacken an optic using an RoHS compliant, solvent-resistant ink and improve overall light throughput.

Application Examples:

  • Improving image quality in imaging systems
  • Maximizing light throughput in optical systems
Typical Specifications
Starting Part Size 3 – 250mm
Minimum Finished Diameter +0.1mm added
Clear Aperture unchanged

Core Drilling

Core Drilling

Need to make dimensional adjustments to a filter? We can use a core drill to separate the filter substrate from the mount while retaining optical performance in the filter's central aperture. Once removed from the mount, the optic can be further modified with diameter reduction, truncation, or edge blackening.

Application Examples:

  • Creating a custom diameter for a filter
  • Filter mount removal
Typical Specifications
Starting Part Size 6.5 – 50mm
Minimum Finished Diameter 3.0mm
Diameter Tolerances ± 0.5mm or better
Clear Aperture 80%



In certain specialty applications, a through-hole in an optic may be required. We can drill through-holes to help simplify the optic mounting process or to enable compatibility with specific application requirements.

Application Examples:

  • Primary mirror of a reflective telescope
  • Combining laser beams
  • Custom mounting holes



Need a specific marking, engraving, or serialization to help monitor and track prototype assemblies throughout the development process, brand components, or ease identification? We can help.

Application Examples:

  • Apply a logo to the anodized aluminum barrel of an assembly
  • Two nearly identical lenses being dropped into a lens tube? Engrave the edge with letters or numbers to indicate their order when assembling
  • Create component position indicators along the surface of a breadboard
  • Add a fiducial mark to a set of polarizers to indicate the direction of linear polarization

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Quick Modifications to Optical Surfaces

Surface Improvement

When you need performance beyond what a standard off-the-shelf component provides, Edmund Optics offers an advanced surface finishing process to optimize the performance of your optical system. Our engineers have successfully demonstrated the ability to improve optical surfaces to better than λ/10 irregularity (at 632.8nm).

Application Examples:

  • Improve imaging lens surfaces to potentially improve image quality
  • Reduce surface irregularity of a lens for use in a high power laser system
Surface Improvement
Modification Service Starting Part Size (range) Surface Flatness (at 632.8mm) Clear Aperture
Surface Improvement 15 - 60mm λ/10 or better Central 80% diameter

Sphere to Asphere

Sphere to Asphere

A single aspheric lens can often outperform several spherical elements, particularly in fast optical systems (low f/#). Edmund Optics is pleased to offer this service to convert our spherical singlets to customized aspheric lenses by modifying one of our over 150 different stock PCX lens designs. Whether you have an aspheric lens already designed or only a preliminary setup, our engineers will work with you to help specify the right aspheres for your application. Learn more about using PCX lenses to create aspheres here.

Application Examples:

  • Reduce lead time and cost by modifying a stock PCX lens rather than submitting a fully custom request
  • Simplify imaging system prototyping by only producing the number of aspheres that you require
Modification Service Starting Part Size (range) Typical Surface Figure Clear Aperture
PCX to Asphere Conversion 15 - 60mm 1µm (P-V) Central 80% diameter

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Sorting or Inspection

Do you know that Edmund Optics offers state-of-the-art metrology services to test and measure almost every specification found on our products? Whether you require an accurate interferometric measurement of an individual optical component or a spectrophotometric trace plotting transmittance versus wavelength, we are here to help. Require traceability for your application? Serialization and engraving services are also available.

Sorting or Inspection
Measurement Type Equipment Size Range Measurement Limit
Outer Diameter Micrometer 1 - 125mm ±0.01mm
Center Thickness Drop Indicator 0.1 - 50mm ±0.01mm
Lens Centering Lens Scope 5 - 75mm within 2 arcsec, up to 500mm FL
(Including Optical Flat Re-Certification)
Interferometer 5 - 100mm λ/10 P-V @632nm
Prism Interferogram* Interferometer 5 - 100mm λ/10 P-V @632nm
Cube Beamsplitter* Interferometer 5 - 100mm λ/10 P-V @632.8nm
Reflection Coating Scan Spectrophotometer 10 - 150mm 175 - 3300nm, up to OD5,
0° to 65° AOI
Transmission Coating Scan Spectrophotometer 10 - 150mm 175 - 3300nm, up to OD5, 0° to 40° AOI
Surface Roughness Non-Contact White Light Interferometer 1 - 150mm 1 Å
*High performance AR coatings may limit interferometric testing.

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Additional Services



Using a standard optical mount? Let us save you time and money by ensuring your optical element is properly mounted for quick and easy integration into your optical system. Choose from any of our 450 unique optical component mounts and we’ll secure either a stock or customized optic to meet your requirements. For example, select one of our S-, C- and T- Mounts designed for 3 – 40mm diameter lenses. We’ll mount the lens for you and you’ll quickly receive a customized lens assembly. It’s that simple! Looking for more complex optical assemblies? Contact us today to discuss your custom assembly needs.

Application Examples:

  • Safely secure components
  • Ease the integration of optical components into existing systems
  • Reduce optic handling to minimize risk of component damage



Need to purchase multiple components for your system? To make things easier for you, we can create a custom bill of materials so that you only have to purchase a single stock number rather than each individual part. Better yet, the custom bill of materials ensures that all products are delivered together.

Application Examples:

  • Lens assembly components
  • Fluorescence filter sets
  • Instrument bill of component materials


Custom Packaging

Have specific packaging requirements? Let us help. Our team can ensure that your products are packed and delivered based on your specific requirements.

Application Examples:

  • Barcode labeling
  • Add your company name, part number, or other indentification
  • Custom containers



If you have traceability concerns, we can engrave or serialize parts according to your requirements.


Inspection Reports

By request, our metrology team can provide inspection reports that document the exact performance of your optic. For more information on our metrology services, please visit the Metrology section of our modified stock services.

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