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TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. TECHSPEC® 부품은 에드몬드 옵틱스가 설계, 사양 지정 및 제조하는 제품입니다. 더 알아보기

2μm Laser Line Mirrors

2μm Laser Line Mirrors

2μm Laser Line Mirrors

  • >99.8% Reflectivity at 2µm
  • 99.5% Average Reflectivity in the 1900 - 2200nm Range
  • High Laser Damage Threshold
  • Wide Range of Laser Line Mirrors Options Available

공통 스펙

Back Surface:
Commercial Polish
Clear Aperture (%):
Parallelism (arcmin):
Wavelength Range (nm):
1900 - 2200
Fused Silica (Corning 7980)
Laser Mirror (1900-2200nm)
Coating Specification:
Rabs 99.80% @ 2000nm @ 45° AOI
Ravg 99.5% @ 1900 - 2200nm @ 45° AOI
Surface Flatness (P-V):
Surface Quality:


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2000nm Laser Line Mirror, 45° AOI, 12.7mm Dia., 6.35mm Thick
2000nm Laser Line Mirror, 45° AOI, 25.4mm Dia., 6.35mm Thick
2000nm Laser Line Mirror, 45° AOI, 50.8mm Dia., 9.53mm Thick


TECHSPEC® 2µm Laser Line Mirrors are designed with an absolute reflectivity of >99.8% at 2µm at a 45° angle of incidence. These mirrors are manufactured from high quality fused silica and are designed for use with high power laser sources. Available in standard 12.7, 25.4, and 50.8mm sizes, these mirrors can be easily integrated into existing laser systems. TECHSPEC® 2µm Laser Line Mirrors feature λ/10 surface flatness and 10-5 surface quality to ensure reduced scattering in sensitive laser applications. These mirrors are ideal for applications including medical surgery, dermatology, laser doppler velocimetry (LDV), and remote sensing.

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