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TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. TECHSPEC® 부품은 에드몬드 옵틱스가 설계, 사양 지정 및 제조하는 제품입니다. 더 알아보기

Telecentric Lenses

#21-069: 0.274X In-Line Illumination CobaltTL Telecentric Lens

#21-069: 0.274X In-Line Illumination CobaltTL Telecentric Lens

  • Eliminate Parallax Error in Machine Vision Applications
  • Sensor Sizes Supported From 1/2” to Full Frame
  • Magnifications Ranging From 0.05X to 8X


PMAG Max. Sensor Format WD (mm)  Mount   Style   제품 비교하기   재고 번호   가격(부가세 별도)  구입하기
0.9X APS-C 111.00 F-Mount -
0.9X APS-C 111.00 M42 x 1.0 -
0.9X APS-C 111.00 M42 x 1.0 -
0.5X APS-C 175.00 F-Mount -
0.5X APS-C 175.00 M42 x 1.0 -
0.5X APS-C 175.00 M42 x 1.0 -
0.28X APS-C 182.00 F-Mount -
0.28X APS-C 182.00 M42 x 1.0 -
0.28X APS-C 182.00 M42 x 1.0 -
0.5X 2/3" 173.00 C-Mount -
0.28X 2/3" 180.00 C-Mount -
1.7X 2/3" 123.00 C-Mount -
0.28X APS-C 182.00 TFL-Mount -
0.5X APS-C 175.00 TFL-Mount -
0.9X APS-C 111.00 TFL-Mount -
0.274X 1.1" 110 C-Mount In-Line Illumination
0.274X 1.1" 110 C-Mount -
0.28X 1.1" 182 C-Mount -
0.345X 1.1" 114 C-Mount -
0.345X 1.1" 114 C-Mount In-Line Illumination
0.367X 1.1" 169 C-Mount -
0.5X 1.1" 175 C-Mount -
0.55X 1.1" 150.00 C-Mount -
0.69X 1.1" 110 C-Mount In-Line Illumination
0.69X 1.1" 110 C-Mount -
0.9X 1.1" 111 C-Mount -
0.5X 2/3" 65 C-Mount -
0.5X 2/3" 65 C-Mount In-Line Illumination
0.5X 2/3" 110 C-Mount -
0.5X 2/3" 110 C-Mount In-Line Illumination
0.75X 2/3" 110 C-Mount -
0.75X 2/3" 110 C-Mount In-Line Illumination
0.8X 2/3" 65 C-Mount -
0.8X 2/3" 65 C-Mount In-Line Illumination
1X 2/3" 40 C-Mount -
1X 2/3" 40 C-Mount In-Line Illumination
1X 2/3" 65 C-Mount -
1X 2/3" 65 C-Mount In-Line Illumination
1X 2/3" 110 C-Mount -
1X 2/3" 110 C-Mount In-Line Illumination
1X 2/3" 220 C-Mount -
1X 2/3" 220 C-Mount In-Line Illumination
1X 2/3" 300 C-Mount -
1X 2/3" 300 C-Mount In-Line Illumination
2X 2/3" 40 C-Mount -
2X 2/3" 40 C-Mount In-Line Illumination
2X 2/3" 65 C-Mount -
2X 2/3" 65 C-Mount In-Line Illumination
2X 2/3" 110 C-Mount -
2X 2/3" 110 C-Mount In-Line Illumination
2X 2/3" 300 C-Mount -
2X 2/3" 300 C-Mount In-Line Illumination
3X 2/3" 40 C-Mount -
3X 2/3" 40 C-Mount In-Line Illumination
3X 2/3" 65 C-Mount -
3X 2/3" 65 C-Mount In-Line Illumination
3X 2/3" 110 C-Mount -
3X 2/3" 110 C-Mount In-Line Illumination
4X 2/3" 40 C-Mount -
4X 2/3" 40 C-Mount In-Line Illumination
4X 2/3" 65 C-Mount -
4X 2/3" 65 C-Mount In-Line Illumination
6X 2/3" 65 C-Mount -
6X 2/3" 65 C-Mount In-Line Illumination
8X 2/3" 65 C-Mount -
8X 2/3" 65 C-Mount In-Line Illumination
0.16X 1/2" 177.00 C-Mount -
0.2X 1/1.8" 164.00 C-Mount -
0.25X 1/2" 160.00 C-Mount -
0.3X 1/2" 139.00 C-Mount -
0.4X 1/1.8" 103.00 C-Mount -
0.5X 1/1.8" 120.00 C-Mount -
0.5X 1/1.8" 120.00 C-Mount In-Line Illumination
0.6X 1/1.8" 103.00 C-Mount -
0.75X 2/3" 100.00 C-Mount -
0.75X 2/3" 100.00 C-Mount In-Line Illumination
1X 2/3" 83.00 C-Mount -
2X 2/3" 75.00 C-Mount -
2X 2/3" 75.00 C-Mount In-Line Illumination
4X 2/3" 44.00 C-Mount -
0.15X 1/2" 169 - 265 C-Mount -
0.37X 1/1.8" 84 - 101 C-Mount -
0.151X 1/1.8" 111 C-Mount -
0.077X 1/1.8" 224 C-Mount -
0.050X 1/1.8" 287 C-Mount -
0.037X 1/1.8" 379 C-Mount -
0.184X 2/3" 110 C-Mount -
0.093X 2/3" 222 C-Mount -
0.060X 2/3" 284 C-Mount -
0.045X 2/3" 374 C-Mount -
0.268X 1" 110 C-Mount -
0.136X 1" 223 C-Mount -
0.088X 1" 286 C-Mount -
0.066X 1" 377 C-Mount -
0.377X 4/3" 110 C-Mount -
0.191X 4/3" 221 C-Mount -
0.124X 4/3" 284 C-Mount -
0.093X 4/3" 374 C-Mount -
0.179X 35mm 351 F-Mount -
0.179X APS-H 351 M42 x 1.0 -
0.179X 35mm 351 M58 x 0.75 -
0.238X 35mm 267 F-Mount -
0.238X APS-H 267 M42 x 1.0 -
0.238X 35mm 267 M58 x 0.75 -
0.368X 35mm 169 F-Mount -
0.368X APS-H 169 M42 x 1.0 -
0.368X 35mm 169 M58 x 0.75 -
0.06X 1/1.8" 170 - 220 C-Mount -
0.06X 1/1.8" 170 - 220 C-Mount -
0.08X 2/3" 170-220 C-Mount -
0.09X 1/2" 132 - 182 C-Mount -
0.125X 2/3" 132 - 182 C-Mount -
0.18X 1/2" 161 - 186 C-Mount -
0.25X 2/3" 161 - 186 C-Mount -
0.36X 1/1.8" 117 - 142 C-Mount -
0.5X 2/3" 117 - 142 C-Mount -
0.73X 1/1.8" 98 - 123 C-Mount -
1X 2/3" 98 - 123 C-Mount -


TECHSPEC® Telecentric Lenses eliminate parallax error and magnify or minify images for machine vision applications. With a wide range of sensor sizes, magnifications, and working distances, these telecentric lenses can be integrated into a variety of imaging systems. Telecentric lenses produce high levels of contrast yielding maximum image quality with an excellent degree of measurement accuracy. TECHSPEC® Telecentric Lenses offer in-line options, as well as various mounting types, and are ideal for applications including machine vision, metrology, automotive and electronic inspection, measurement, and gauging. This product family is a collection of best-selling telecentric lenses, please see the list below for additional technical details.

Note: Selections include, TECHSPEC® CobaltTL Telecentric LensesTECHSPEC® CompactTL™ Telecentric LensesTECHSPEC® SilverTL™ Telecentric LensesTECHSPEC® GoldTL™ Telecentric LensesTECHSPEC® PlatinumTL™ Telecentric LensesTECHSPEC® TitanTL® Telecentric LensesTECHSPEC® MercuryTL™ Liquid Lens Telecentric Lenses


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