제품이 장바구니에 추가됨
TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. TECHSPEC® 부품은 에드몬드 옵틱스가 설계, 사양 지정 및 제조하는 제품입니다. 더 알아보기

Achromatic Lens Kits

Achromatic Lens Kit

  • 12.5mm 및 25mm 직경의 렌즈로 구성된 키트 이용 가능
  • MgF2, VIS 0°, VIS-NIR 코팅 옵션
  • TubeOptical Cage System과 기계적 호환
  • 참고: 패키징 박스 상이할 수 있음
Dia. (mm)  Coating   Number of Lenses   제품 비교하기   재고 번호   가격(부가세 별도)  구입하기
12.50 MgF2 (400-700nm) 13 #54-673 KRW 884,500   견적 요청  
  • 품절/문의요망
12.50 VIS 0° (425-675nm) 13.00 #48-540 KRW 920,800   견적 요청  
  • 품절/문의요망
12.50 VIS-NIR (400-1000nm) 13.00 #65-984 KRW 949,800   견적 요청  
  • 품절/문의요망
25.00 MgF2 (400-700nm) 17.00 #52-306 KRW 1,580,500   견적 요청  
  • 품절/문의요망
25.00 VIS 0° (425-675nm) 17.00 #48-615 KRW 1,602,300   견적 요청  
  • 품절/문의요망
25.00 VIS-NIR (400-1000nm) 17.00 #65-985 KRW 1,645,800   견적 요청  
  • 3~5일내 배송

TECHSPEC® Achromatic Lens Kits는 유효 초점 거리가 다양한 고품질 광학 렌즈로 구성된 제품으로서 EO의 광학 마운트에 장착이 가능합니다. 본품에 들어 있는 모든 렌즈는 무반사(AR) 코팅 처리가 되어 있습니다. 개별 렌즈의 전체 스펙은 제품자료 탭에 있는 기술 정보를 참조하십시오.

참고: 원활하지 못한 공급으로 인하여, 당사의 키트 제품은 나무 박스가 아닌 대체 용기에 포장되어 배송될 수 있습니다. 기타 자세한 사항은 krsales@edmundoptics.co.kr로 문의 바랍니다.

기술 정보

12.5mm Diameter Achromatic Lens Kits
Lens Specifications Coating Options
Effective Focal Length EFL Back Focal Length BFL f/# MgF2 Coating VIS 0° Coating VIS-NIR Coating
14mm 9.92mm 1.1 #45-209 #47-660 #49-321
20mm 16.45mm 1.6 #32-309 #47-661 #49-322
25mm 21.47mm 2.0 #32-311 #47-662 #49-323
30mm 26.12mm 2.4 #32-313 #47-663 #49-324
35mm 32.5mm 2.8 #45-210 #47-664 #49-325
40mm 37.54mm 3.2 #32-315 #47-665 #49-326
45mm 42.52mm 3.6 #45-136 #47-666 #49-327
50mm 47.61mm 4.0 #32-317 #47-667 #49-328
60mm 57.59mm 4.8 #45-137 #47-668 #49-329
75mm 72.35mm 6.0 #32-882 #47-669 #49-330
80mm 78.40mm 6.4 #45-409 #47-670 #49-331
90mm 88.47mm 7.2 #45-410 #47-671 #49-332
100mm 97.92mm 8.0 #45-265 #47-672 #49-333
25mm Diameter Achromatic Lens Kits
Lens Specifications Coating Options
Effective Focal Length EFL Back Focal length BFL f/# MgF2 Coating VIS 0° Coating VIS-NIR Coating
30.0mm 22.23mm 1.2 #45-211 #47-633 #49-352
35.0mm 27.55mm 1.4 #32-319 #47-634 #49-353
40.0mm 33.26mm 1.6 #32-321 #47-635 #49-354
45.0mm 39.28mm 1.8 #45-212 #47-636 #49-355
50.0mm 43.53mm 2 #32-323 #47-637 #49-356
60.0mm 52.23mm 2.4 #32-724 #47-638 #49-357
75.0mm 70.39mm 3 #32-325 #47-639 #49-358
85.0mm 81.12mm 3.4 #45-213 #47-640 #49-359
100.0mm 95.92mm 4 #32-327 #47-641 #49-360
125.0mm 120.89mm 5 #32-492 #47-642 #49-361
150.0mm 146.10mm 6 #32-494 #47-643 #49-362
175.0mm 170.84mm 7 #32-884 #47-644 #49-363
200.0mm 194.14mm 8 #32-917 #47-645 #49-364
225.0mm 222.69mm 9 #45-214 #47-646 #49-365
250.0mm 243.63mm 10 #32-919 #47-647 #49-366
300.0mm 297.73mm 12 #45-215 #47-649 #49-368
400.0mm 397.73mm 16 #45-216 #47-650 #49-369

무반사(AR) 코팅

Anti-reflection (AR) coatings are applied to optical components to increase throughput and reduce hazards caused by back-reflections.

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광학 코팅 개론

Optical coatings are used to influence the transmission, reflection, or polarization properties of an optical component.

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렌즈의 기하학적 형태별 성능 비교

This comparison of the performance of aspheric, achromatic, and spherical PCX lenses in different situations reveals the ideal use cases for each type of lens.

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Achrotech: achromat cost versus performance for conventional, diffractive, and GRIN components

Achromatic Lens를 사용하는 이유는 무엇일까요?

Want to know why you should use an achromatic lens? Find out more about achromatic lenses including the anatomy, notable features, and more at Edmund Optics

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Achromatic Lens 리뷰

Learn about EO's most popular family of optical lenses and discover if achromatic lenses are ideal for your next application.

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How is the location of the principal plane of a negative achromatic lens calculated?


Achromatic (무채색)

Crown Glass(크라운 유리)

Doubler Tube

Doublet Lens

Flint Glass


Dispersion is the dependence of the phase velocity or phase delay of light on another parameter, such as wavelength, propagation mode, or polarization.

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Aspherized Achromatic Lenses 리뷰

Aspherized Achromatic Lenses, exclusive to Edmund Optics, are doublet lenses consisting of two cemented optical elements that are matched for their color-correction ability and small RMS spot size.

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What is the difference between the effective focal length and the back focal length?


Back Focal Length (BFL)


Hybrid Molding


Aspherized Achromatic Lenses

Want an inside look at Aspherized Achromatic Lenses? Learn about the advantages, composition, and aspherized process at Edmund Optics.

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왜 Achromatic Cylinder Lens를 선택해야 할까요?

Debating whether or not to use a traditional cylinder lens or an achromatic cylinder lens? Discover the benefits of achromatic cylinder lenses at Edmund Optics.

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Machine Vision 렌즈에 미치는 수차의 영향

Need help understanding aberration theory? Learn about a few fundamental concepts to help clarify your understanding at Edmund Optics.

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What is the difference between an inked lens and a non-inked one?

If I want to design with your lenses and lens assemblies, how do I get the information that I need?

Now that I have chosen my lens, how do I mount it?

Center Thickness (CT)

Chromatic Focal Shift

Conjugate Distance

Edge Thickness (ET)

Effective Focal Length (EFL)

Finite/Finite Conjugate

Optical Lens 설정의 배율 확인 방법

When doing basic imaging, how do you determine the magnification an optical lens will provide?

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Optical Lens의 Focal Length를 파악하기 위한 Collimation 이해

Collimated light occurs when light rays travel parallel to each other.

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Optical Lens 설정을 통한 이미지 형성 방법

Although a common misconception, individual optical lenses do not always form an image when the object plane is placed a focal length away from the lens.

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Modifying Stock Optics Tip #4: Add A Coating To A Stock Lens

Join Andrew Fisher, Manufacturing R&D Engineer at Edmund Optics, as he discusses some tips for modifying stock optical components to fit your application's needs.

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Radius of Curvature

BBAR Coating


Anti-Reflection (AR) Coating


Seamed Edge

Introduction to Basic Ray Optics

An understanding of refraction and basic ray optics is a critical foundation for understanding more complicated optical concepts and technologies.

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How do I clean my optics?

Clear Aperture (CA)


EO의 글로벌 제조 설비

Edmund Optics® (EO) manufactures millions of precision optical components and subassemblies every year in our 5 global manufacturing facilities.

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에드몬드 옵틱스의 계측 기술: 핵심 부품 제조 시 계측 공정

Learn about the metrology that Edmund Optics® uses to guarantee the quality of all optical components and assemblies.

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Surface Quality

색이 보정된 광학 렌즈들의 이점

Color-corrected optical lenses are ideal for many applications because they reduce multiple aberrations. Learn more about the advantages at Edmund Optics.

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