제품이 장바구니에 추가됨

Broadband Polarizing Plate Beamsplitters

  • Wire Grid 기술
  • S-Polarized Light를 반사하고 P-Polarized Light는 투과시킴
  • 고온 환경에 아주 적합

공통 스펙

Thermal Expansion:
31.7 x 10-7/°C
Transmission Axis Tolerance (°):
Thickness (mm):
Thickness Tolerance (mm):
Dimensional Tolerance (mm):
Wire Grid
Angle of Incidence (°):
45 ±15
Surface Quality:
Coating Specification:
Surface 2: Rabs <2.0% @ 420 - 670nm
Wavelength Range (nm):
420 - 700
Operating Temperature (°C):
-40 to +200
 Coating Specification   Operating Temperature (°C)   Substrate   Thickness (mm)  CA (mm)  Dimensions (mm)   제품 비교하기   재고 번호   가격(부가세 별도)  구입하기
Surface 2: Rabs <2.0% @ 420 - 670nm -40 to +200 Corning Eagle XG 0.70 8.5 x 8.5 12.5 x 12.5 #48-544 KRW 263,900 수량 11+ KRW 220,400   견적 요청  
  • 3~5일내 배송
Surface 2: Rabs <2.0% @ 420 - 670nm -40 to +200 Corning Eagle XG 0.70 21.0 x 21.0 25.0 x 25.0 #48-545 KRW 353,800 수량 11+ KRW 266,800   견적 요청  
  • 3~5일내 배송

Broadband Polarizing Plate Beamsplitters는 glass window에 부착된 aluminum MicroWires 박막으로 구성되어 있습니다. 이 beamsplitters는 ruled 또는 holographic wire grid polarizers를 대체하는 저렴한 대안입니다. 탁월한 image contrast 및 uniformity를 제공하는 이 beamsplitters는 큰 각도의 apertures 및 높은 처리량이 필요한 용도에 아주 적합합니다.

참고: MicroWires는 매우 약해 파손의 위험이 높습니다. 이 beamsplitters는 조심해서 다루시기 바랍니다.

작동 온도가 100°C를 초과하면 최적의 성능을 위해 MicroWires 표면을 input beam으로부터 멀리 하십시오. 100°C 미만의 온도에서는 MicroWires가 input beam을 향하도록 할 수 있습니다.


광학 코팅 개론

Optical coatings are used to influence the transmission, reflection, or polarization properties of an optical component.

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Beamsplitter란 무엇인가?

Optical components that create two beams by splitting incident light are beamsplitters. Read more about the different types of beamsplitters at Edmund Optics.

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빔스플리터 제품 소개

Beamsplitters do exactly what their name implies: split incident light beams.

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올바른 빔스플리터 선택하기

Continuing from where Part I: X-Y Setup ends, learn how to add a Z-axis to an existing X-Y configuration to achieve three degrees of freedom.

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올바른 Beam Expander 선택

Edmund Optics offers both fixed power and zoom beam expanders. Knowing which beam expander is right for your application can greatly improve system efficiency.

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What is a plate or "mirror-type" beamsplitter?

What is a pellicle beamsplitter and when should I use it?

I would like to split light from a circularly polarized laser source into two beams. What happens when it passes through a cube beamsplitter – both non-polarizing and polarizing?

What is the difference between using a cube beamsplitter and a plate (mirror-type) beamsplitter?

When you say a beamsplitter has __% transmission and __% reflection, is that across the entire spectrum?

Is there such a thing as a variable density beamsplitter?

What are some advantages of using one cube beamsplitter type compared to another?

What are some advantages of using one plate beamsplitter type compared to another?

What is the difference between polarizing and non-polarizing beamsplitters?


Cube Beamsplitter

Dichroic Beamsplitter

Pellicle Beamsplitter

Does the polarization of light change when it passes through a beamsplitter?

I would like to split light from a circularly polarized laser source into two beams. What happens when it passes through a cube beamsplitter – both non-polarizing and polarizing?

Do you have C-Mount components to make an in-line illumination assembly?

Axial Illumination (동축 조명)

Non-Polarizing Beamsplitter

Polarizing Beamsplitter

Optical Glass

Choosing the right optical glass is important. Find out factors and properties on how to select the right optical glass at Edmund Optics.

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Do you have mounts for square or rectangular optics?

표면 품질 이해하기

The surface quality of optical components the scattering off of its surface, which is especially important in laser optics applications.

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보호용 플라스틱 코팅 제거

A protective plastic coating protects a variety of our flat optics, such as optical windows, optical mirrors, and beamsplitters, from scratches during shipping.

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Plate Beamsplitter


How do I clean my optics?

Clear Aperture (CA)

EO의 글로벌 제조 설비

Edmund Optics® (EO) manufactures millions of precision optical components and subassemblies every year in our 5 global manufacturing facilities.

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에드몬드 옵틱스의 계측 기술: 핵심 부품 제조 시 계측 공정

Learn about the metrology that Edmund Optics® uses to guarantee the quality of all optical components and assemblies.

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Surface Quality

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