제품이 장바구니에 추가됨

Miniature Screw Drive Stages

  • 8-32 또는 M4 마운팅 옵션 이용 가능
  • 최대 19mm의 선형 이동
  • 부드럽고 정확한 움직임을 위한 Worm Gear Drive 및 Precision Lapped Surface

공통 스펙

Type of Movement:
Linear (X)
Guide System:
Stage Size (mm):
12 x 35
Travel (mm):
Height (mm):
Load Capacity (kg):
3 (Horizontal)
Straight Line Accuracy (μm):
Travel Per Knob Rotation (mm):
Table Size (mm):
12 x 30
Type of Drive:
Three Start Screw Drive


 Type   Type of Drive   Travel (mm)   제품 비교하기  재고 번호  가격(부가세 별도) 구입하기
English Three Start Screw Drive 19
Metric Three Start Screw Drive 19


Miniature Screw Drive Stages는 최대 19mm의 안정적인 이동을 가능하게 하는 worm gear drive를 특징으로 합니다. 황동과 스틸 소재의 구조는 적재 용량을 증가시키는데 반해 정밀하게 래핑된 표면은 부드럽고 정확한 움직임을 제공합니다. 이 스테이지의 상단과 하단에는 8-32 또는 M4 마운팅 홀 2개가 있어 실험 또는 OEM 용도로 사용 시 결합이 용이합니다. Miniature Screw Drive Stages는 three-start screw drive를 가지고 있어 정밀한 조절 기능을 일관되게 유지하면서 노브를 매회 회전시킬 때마다 스테이지를 3mm씩 이동시킬 수 있습니다. 이 스테이지의 수평 및 수직 적재 용량은 모두 3kg입니다.





Manual Translation Stages 선택을 위한 중요한 개념

Edmund Optics offers a variety of ball bearing, crossed roller bearing, dovetail, and rack and pinion translation stages for linear translation, rotary, and tip-tilt movement.

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Multi-Axis Stage 구성: 파트 I: X-Y 설정

Learn how to make repeatable adjustments in more than one direction for any demanding optics, imaging, or photonics application with this simple, three minute video.

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Multi-Axis Stage 구성: 파트 II: X-Y-Z 설정

Continuing from where Part I: X-Y Setup ends, learn how to add a Z-axis to an existing X-Y configuration to achieve three degrees of freedom.

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알아 두어야 할 Translation Stage 스펙

To select the best translation stage, it is important to understand key specifications such as resolution, load capacity, travel, accuracy, repeatability, and wobble.

바로 보기

How do I mount a ball bearing linear translation stage to a breadboard table?

Do you sell X-Z translation stages?

What is "straight line accuracy"?

How do I read the load capacity specification for the ball bearing stages?

Are your stages vacuum compatible?

What are the basic differences between your dovetails, rack and pinions, and ball bearing stages?

Ball Bearing Slide

Ball Bearing Stage

Drive Ratio

Fine Screw Drive


Positional Repeatability



Straight Line Accuracy


Thrust Capacity

Integrating a Linear Translation Assembly into Optical Cage Systems

Do you need to add linear translation to an optical cage system? Find step by step instructions for incorporating a linear translation assembly at Edmund Optics.

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Precision Positioning에서의 오차 발생 원인 파악

Understanding the source of inaccurate and imprecise errors can help formulate strategies to prevent or correct them. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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What is the difference between pitch, roll, and yaw?

Moment Load(모멘트 하중)

Normal Load Capacity



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