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TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. TECHSPEC® 부품은 에드몬드 옵틱스가 설계, 사양 지정 및 제조하는 제품입니다. 더 알아보기

UCw Series Fixed Focal Length Lenses

UCw Series Fixed Focal Length Lenses

UCw Series Fixed Focal Length Lenses

  • 최대 1/2”, C-마운트 렌즈
  • 소형 센서 포맷에 적합한 UC(초소형) 고해상도 렌즈
  • 당사 UC Series Lens의 Waterproof 버전(UCw), 고정 초점 거리 렌즈
  • IEC 방수방진 규정 중 IPX7 등급 준수

해당 제품은 TECHSPEC® UC Series Fixed Focal Length Lens의 Waterproof 버전입니다. IEC 방수방진 규정 중 IPX7 등급을 준수하도록 설계되었으며 최대 1m 깊이의 물에 30분 동안 잠겨도 견딜 수 있습니다. 컴팩트한 크기이며 품질이나 사용감이 저하되지 않으면서 합리적인 가격으로 우수한 성능을 제공합니다. 해당 제품은 렌즈 표면에 물방울이 맺히는 것을 방지하기 위해 발수 코팅 처리를 한 윈도우가 장착되어 있으며 하우징에 습기가 차는 것을 방지하기 위해 여러 개의 O링으로 씰링 처리를 했습니다. 또한, 식품 검사, 보안, 의료, 공장 자동화처럼 공간 제약이 있고 환경이 열악한 어플리케이션에 적합합니다.

공통 스펙

Imaging Lens Type:
High Performance Lens with Compact Form Factor
Iris Option:
λ/4 MgF2
Coating Specification:
λ/4 MgF2
Optimized Sensor Format:
Environmental Rating:
Storage Temperature (°C):
-20 to +60 For questions regarding operating temperature please contact our support team


FL (mm) Max. Sensor Format  Aperture (f/#)  WD (mm)  Mount   Environmental Rating   제품 비교하기   재고 번호   가격(부가세 별도)  구입하기
4.00 1/2" f/1.8 0 - ∞ C-Mount IPX7
4.00 1/2" f/2.8 0 - ∞ C-Mount IPX7
4.00 1/2" f/4.0 0 - ∞ C-Mount IPX7
4.00 1/2" f/5.6 0 - ∞ C-Mount IPX7
4.00 1/2" f/8.0 0 - ∞ C-Mount IPX7
4.00 1/2" f/11.0 0 - ∞ C-Mount IPX7
4.00 1/2" f/16.0 0 - ∞ C-Mount IPX7
8.00 1/2" f/1.8 50 - ∞ C-Mount IPX7
8.00 1/2" f/2.8 50 - ∞ C-Mount IPX7
8.00 1/2" f/4.0 50 - ∞ C-Mount IPX7
8.00 1/2" f/5.6 50 - ∞ C-Mount IPX7
8.00 1/2" f/8.0 50 - ∞ C-Mount IPX7
8.00 1/2" f/11.0 50 - ∞ C-Mount IPX7
8.00 1/2" f/16.0 50 - ∞ C-Mount IPX7
12.00 1/1.8" f/1.8 100 - ∞ C-Mount IPX7
12.00 1/1.8" f/2.8 100 - ∞ C-Mount IPX7
12.00 1/1.8" f/4.0 100 - ∞ C-Mount IPX7
12.00 1/1.8" f/5.6 100 - ∞ C-Mount IPX7
12.00 1/1.8" f/8.0 100 - ∞ C-Mount IPX7
12.00 1/1.8" f/11.0 100 - ∞ C-Mount IPX7
12.00 1/1.8" f/16.0 100 - ∞ C-Mount IPX7


Edmund Optics has created a family of high-performance ultra-compact optical designs (the UC Series family) and developed 3 customized optomechanical solutions targeted for specific applications. These lens sub-families utilize the same optics as the UC Series lenses providing the same optical performance in a variety of optomechanical solutions to meet your application requirements:

UC Series: Features locking cam focus and iris adjustment in an ultra-compact design and is the most adjustable version of these optical designs; they are the typical high-quality machine vision lenses.

UCi Series: Simplified mechanics featuring fixed apertures with compact housing. Industrial Ruggedization for reduced size, cost, and locked focus.

UCr Series: All optics glued in place and a locking C-clamp focus ring. Stabilized Ruggedization for reduced pixel shift and improved focus stability.

UCw Series: Waterproof, designed to meet IEC Ingress Protection Code IPX7 to withstand exposure to water up to 1 meter depth for 30 minutes.


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