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 검증된 라이브러리로 240명 이상의 글로벌 엔지니어가 참여하여 만든 신뢰할 수 있는 기술 자료를 제공합니다.

Search Results for: Image Analysis (29)

고급 Telecentric 디자인 항목

Object space and image space are the two types of telecentricity. These refer to the exit and entrance pupil locations of an optical system.

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Lens Spacers, Shims & Focal Length Extenders

Want to learn how to extend a lens beyond its limits in an application? Learn more about spacers, shims, and focal length extenders at Edmund Optics.

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Resolution을 기반으로 한 렌즈 선별 – 고급

The modulation transfer function of a lens varies depending on working distance, sensor size, f/#, and wavelength. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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Tube Lenses를 Infinity Corrected Objectives와 사용하기

Want to use an infinity corrected objective to make an image? You will need a tube lens to do it! Find out why and how it works at Edmund Optics.

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Resolution과 Contrast 비교

Learn how Edmund Optics maintains optical performance across the entire image plane through this resolution and contrast comparison using our C Series FFL lens.

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왜 Achromatic Cylinder Lens를 선택해야 할까요?

Debating whether or not to use a traditional cylinder lens or an achromatic cylinder lens? Discover the benefits of achromatic cylinder lenses at Edmund Optics.

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Filtering in Machine Vision

While working with machine vision, there are different types of filters that can be used to alter the image. Find out about the different types at Edmund Optics.

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Machine Vision 렌즈에 미치는 수차의 영향

Need help understanding aberration theory? Learn about a few fundamental concepts to help clarify your understanding at Edmund Optics.

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색이 보정된 광학 렌즈들의 이점

Color-corrected optical lenses are ideal for many applications because they reduce multiple aberrations. Learn more about the advantages at Edmund Optics.

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Laser Damage Threshold 테스트

Do you need to integrate optical components into a laser system? Make sure you consider laser damage threshold before you do! Find out more at Edmund Optics.

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Depth of Field 및 Depth of Focus

Are you getting depth of field and depth of focus confused? Discover the differences and how to distinguish the two from one another at Edmund Optics.

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Optical Prisms 소개

Learn about the different types of optical prisms, their applications, and how to select the right prism for your specific system.

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Microscope와 Objective 이해

Learn about the different components used to build a microscope, key concepts, and specifications at Edmund Optics.

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Telecentricity의 이점

Learn more about the advantages of telecentricity, including parallax error elimination, telecentric lenses, depth of field, and distortion, at Edmund Optics.

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파장이 성능에 미치는 영향

Wavelengths can be both valuable or hazardous when trying to obtain information from an imaging system. Learn more about fixing wavelength issues at Edmund Optics.

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가우시안 빔의 전파

Understanding Gaussian beam propagation is critical for understanding laser systems because many lasers are assumed to have Gaussian profiles.

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센서의 상대 조도, Roll Off 및 Vignetting

In order to understand vignetting, it is important to understand sensor sizes, formats, and roll-off and relative illumination. Find out more at Edmund Optics.

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구면 렌즈의 정밀 허용오차

Optical lenses require very precise tolerances. Learn more about tolerances for spherical lenses at Edmund Optics.

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실린더 렌즈 사용 시 고려해야 할 점

Learn about specifications that should be considered when using cylinder lenses, including power axis wedge, plano axis wedge, and axial twist at Edmund Optics.

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Distortion is an individual aberration that misplaces information but can be calculated or mapped out of an image. Learn more about distortion at Edmund Optics.

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f/# (Lens Iris/Aperture 설정)

When it comes to your lens, the f/# is one of the most important settings because it controls multiple parameters. Find out what the f/# controls at Edmund Optics.

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광학 렌즈 기하학 이해하기

Optical lens geometries control light in different ways. Learn about Snell's Law of Refraction, lens terminology and geometries at Edmund Optics.

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광학 제품 사용 사례

Looking for application examples? Find examples for Detector Systems, Selecting the Right Lens, and Building a Projection System at Edmund Optics.

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Imaging Electronics 101: 보다 개선된 이미징 결과를 위한 디지털 카메라 설정의 기본 사항

Do you want to improve your imaging results? Go back to the basics of camera settings, learn how these important aspects can affect your image at Edmund Optics.

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Telecentric Illumination: 머신 비전 용도에 텔레센트릭 조명이 필요한 이유

Think you don't need telecentric illumination in machine vision applications? Find out why you need telecentric illumination at Edmund Optics.

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금속 미러 코팅

Want to learn more about metallic mirror coatings? Find information about standard and custom metallic mirror coatings that are available at Edmund Optics.

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기성 광학을 활용한 Beam Expander 제작 방법

Are standard beam expanders not meeting your application requirements? Learn how to design your own beam expander using stock optics at Edmund Optics.

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레이저 빔 익스팬더

Laser beam expanders are critical for reducing power density, minimizing beam diameter at a distance, and minimizing focused laser spot size.

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광학 부품 규격 이해하기

Do you want to know more about the importance of optical specifications? Learn the different types of specifications and their impact on your system at Edmund Optics.

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