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Search Results for: Imaging Systems (55)

이미징 렌즈 선택 가이드

Fixed focal length, zoom, and macro lenses are all variable magnification lenses. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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Imaging Electronics 101: 이미징 시스템 성능 개선을 위한 카메라 해상도

Camera resolution is one of the many aspects contributing to the quality of your imaging system. Find key parameters and tech tips at Edmund Optics.

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Imaging Electronics 101: Machine Vision 용도에 적합한 카메라 센서 이해

The performance of an imaging system relies on a number of things, including imaging electronics. Before using your imaging system, learn about camera sensors at Edmund Optics.

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Imaging Electronics 101: 보다 개선된 이미징 결과를 위한 디지털 카메라 설정의 기본 사항

Do you want to improve your imaging results? Go back to the basics of camera settings, learn how these important aspects can affect your image at Edmund Optics.

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Imaging Electronics 101: Machine Vision 용도에 적합한 카메라 종류 및 인터페이스

Are you new to imaging or looking for a refresh on camera types? Learn about the advantages to camera types, digital interfaces, and more at Edmund Optics.

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Fluorescence Microscopy: Imaging Filters가 장착된 In-Line Illumination

Want to know about fluorescence microscopy? Read this article by a Biomedical Product Line Engineer at Edmund Optics to learn more.

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Telecentric Illumination: 머신 비전 용도에 텔레센트릭 조명이 필요한 이유

Think you don't need telecentric illumination in machine vision applications? Find out why you need telecentric illumination at Edmund Optics.

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Achromatic Lens를 사용하는 이유는 무엇일까요?

Want to know why you should use an achromatic lens? Find out more about achromatic lenses including the anatomy, notable features, and more at Edmund Optics

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온도 보정이 불필요한 비열화 개론

Athermal optical systems are not prone to temperature changes in an environment. Learn more about the importance of having an athermal design at Edmund Optics.

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Optical Prisms 소개

Learn about the different types of optical prisms, their applications, and how to select the right prism for your specific system.

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Key Parameters of a Laser System

Learn the key parameters that must be considered to ensure you laser application is successful. Common terminology will be established for these parameters.

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Resolution과 Contrast 비교

Learn how Edmund Optics maintains optical performance across the entire image plane through this resolution and contrast comparison using our C Series FFL lens.

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Liquid Lens 개론

Imaging lens performance can be enhanced with the use of liquid lenses. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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Resolution 및 Contrast의 한계: The Airy Disk

The diffraction pattern caused when light passes through an aperture is called the Airy Disk. Find out how the Airy Disk can impact your image at Edmund Optics.

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이미징 시스템의 6가지 기본 변수

Want to understand the basic concepts of imaging? Learn more about essential terms and how they incorporate in the imaging industry at Edmund Optics.

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Fixed Magnification Lens 선정 방법

Fixed magnification lenses typically function properly at a single working distance and are specified by their magnification. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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Telecentric Lens 크기 제어

Telecentric Lenses can grow quite large and heavy with small magnifications, as such magnifications require large front optics. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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Filtering in Machine Vision

While working with machine vision, there are different types of filters that can be used to alter the image. Find out about the different types at Edmund Optics.

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희토류 이해

Rare earth materials are used in many optics. Find an explanation, examples, and more information about rare earths at Edmund Optics.

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비구면 렌즈의 불균일성과 스트렐 비율

The Strehl ratio of an optical system is a comparison of its real performance with its diffraction-limited performance.

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표면 품질 이해하기

The surface quality of optical components the scattering off of its surface, which is especially important in laser optics applications.

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Distortion 및 Telecentricity 사양

Elimination of parallax and distortion play a large role in determining the quality of certain telecentric lenses. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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이미징 렌즈의 강건설계

Have an application in a demanding environment? Learn about the different types of ruggedization: industrial, ingress protection, and stability at Edmund Optics.

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광학 제품 사용 사례

Looking for application examples? Find examples for Detector Systems, Selecting the Right Lens, and Building a Projection System at Edmund Optics.

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High-Power Optical Coating의 복잡성

Want to know more about high-power optical coatings? Find out more about the importance, fabrication, and testing at Edmund Optics.

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Lens Spacers, Shims & Focal Length Extenders

Want to learn how to extend a lens beyond its limits in an application? Learn more about spacers, shims, and focal length extenders at Edmund Optics.

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광학 렌즈 기하학 이해하기

Optical lens geometries control light in different ways. Learn about Snell's Law of Refraction, lens terminology and geometries at Edmund Optics.

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Distortion is an individual aberration that misplaces information but can be calculated or mapped out of an image. Learn more about distortion at Edmund Optics.

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Fluorescence Microscopy를 위한 Fluorophores 및 Optical Filters

Want to know more about fluorophores and optical filters for fluorescence microscopy? Find out more information and in stock optical filters at Edmund Optics.

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Is the definition on your image not clear? Go back to the basics and learn more about the contrast of an image and its importance at Edmund Optics.

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