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Edmund Optics®


 검증된 라이브러리로 240명 이상의 글로벌 엔지니어가 참여하여 만든 신뢰할 수 있는 기술 자료를 제공합니다.

Search Results for: Multi-Element Tube System (36)

Key Parameters of a Laser System

Learn the key parameters that must be considered to ensure you laser application is successful. Common terminology will be established for these parameters.

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Tube Lenses를 Infinity Corrected Objectives와 사용하기

Want to use an infinity corrected objective to make an image? You will need a tube lens to do it! Find out why and how it works at Edmund Optics.

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Optical Cage System 디자인 예

Not sure how you can enhance an opical cage system? Check out examples of different design examples applicable for small and large systems at Edmund Optics.

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Aspherized Achromatic Lenses

Want an inside look at Aspherized Achromatic Lenses? Learn about the advantages, composition, and aspherized process at Edmund Optics.

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Digital Video Microscope 대물렌즈 설치

Digital video microscopes use a camera to capture and record images. Read more about the components needed to assemble a video microscope at Edmund Optics.

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기성 광학으로 설계 시 필요한 5가지 팁

Have a time or budget restraint? Check out these tips and advantages for designing applications with standard, off-the-shelf optics at Edmund Optics.

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Optical Cage System에 C-mount 부품 사용하기

Edmund Optics' fixed, adjustable, and kinematic mounting components can easily be integrated into optical systems.

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Microscope와 Objective 이해

Learn about the different components used to build a microscope, key concepts, and specifications at Edmund Optics.

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광학 제품 사용 사례

Looking for application examples? Find examples for Detector Systems, Selecting the Right Lens, and Building a Projection System at Edmund Optics.

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광학 케이지 시스템 어플리케이션: DIC(Differential Interference Contrast) 디지털 현미경

Differential interference microscopy enhances the contrast of object features that are otherwise difficult to observe using brightfield microscopy.

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Liquid Lens 개론

Imaging lens performance can be enhanced with the use of liquid lenses. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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Achromatic Lens를 사용하는 이유는 무엇일까요?

Want to know why you should use an achromatic lens? Find out more about achromatic lenses including the anatomy, notable features, and more at Edmund Optics

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이미징 렌즈 선택 가이드

Fixed focal length, zoom, and macro lenses are all variable magnification lenses. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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Testing 및 Targets

Discover the different types of testing targets and their ideal applications, advantages, limitations, equations, and examples at Edmund Optics.

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Distortion is an individual aberration that misplaces information but can be calculated or mapped out of an image. Learn more about distortion at Edmund Optics.

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렌즈부터 센서까지:정보 수집의 한계

Trying to understand how much information you can obtain from a lens and sensor? Learn more about the limitations of collecting data at Edmund Optics.

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Optical Prisms 소개

Learn about the different types of optical prisms, their applications, and how to select the right prism for your specific system.

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Aspheric Lenses의 모든 것

Learn all about the benefits of aspheres, their unique anatomy, how they're manufactured, and how to choose the right one for your system.

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Filtering in Machine Vision

While working with machine vision, there are different types of filters that can be used to alter the image. Find out about the different types at Edmund Optics.

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Fluorescence Microscopy: Imaging Filters가 장착된 In-Line Illumination

Want to know about fluorescence microscopy? Read this article by a Biomedical Product Line Engineer at Edmund Optics to learn more.

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Ultra-Thin Filter란 무엇입니까?

How are ultra-thin filters different from standard optical filters? Discover the unique features and capabilties of ultra-thin filters at Edmund Optics.

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광학 렌즈 기하학 이해하기

Optical lens geometries control light in different ways. Learn about Snell's Law of Refraction, lens terminology and geometries at Edmund Optics.

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금속 미러 코팅

Want to learn more about metallic mirror coatings? Find information about standard and custom metallic mirror coatings that are available at Edmund Optics.

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COLLIMATION을 위해 고려해야 할 점

Optical considerations for collimating various types real and ideal point sources. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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Resolution 및 Contrast의 한계: The Airy Disk

The diffraction pattern caused when light passes through an aperture is called the Airy Disk. Find out how the Airy Disk can impact your image at Edmund Optics.

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렌즈 배율

Are you new to imaging and want to learn more about lens magnification? Learn more about lens magnification and other key imaging concepts at Edmund Optics.

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Resolution을 기반으로 한 렌즈 선별 – 고급

The modulation transfer function of a lens varies depending on working distance, sensor size, f/#, and wavelength. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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Telecentric Illumination: 머신 비전 용도에 텔레센트릭 조명이 필요한 이유

Think you don't need telecentric illumination in machine vision applications? Find out why you need telecentric illumination at Edmund Optics.

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반사 대물렌즈 개론

Reflective objectives use mirrors to focus light or form an image. Learn more about the different types and benefits of reflective objectives at Edmund Optics.

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Infinity Corrected Objective의 분해능과 배율 이해하기

Microscopes are used in a variety of fields and applications. To understand how resolving power, magnification, and other aspects work, read more at Edmund Optics.

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