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Search Results for: Reflective Objectives (11)

반사 대물렌즈 개론

Reflective objectives use mirrors to focus light or form an image. Learn more about the different types and benefits of reflective objectives at Edmund Optics.

바로 보기 저장된 콘텐츠 목록에 추가

Microscope와 Objective 이해

Learn about the different components used to build a microscope, key concepts, and specifications at Edmund Optics.

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광학 필터의 배치 방향

Unsure which side of your filter should face the light source? Learn how to determine the filter orientation of your TECHSPEC filter at Edmund Optics.

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COLLIMATION을 위해 고려해야 할 점

Optical considerations for collimating various types real and ideal point sources. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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광학 렌즈 기하학 이해하기

Optical lens geometries control light in different ways. Learn about Snell's Law of Refraction, lens terminology and geometries at Edmund Optics.

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Infinity Corrected Objective의 분해능과 배율 이해하기

Microscopes are used in a variety of fields and applications. To understand how resolving power, magnification, and other aspects work, read more at Edmund Optics.

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f/# (Lens Iris/Aperture 설정)

When it comes to your lens, the f/# is one of the most important settings because it controls multiple parameters. Find out what the f/# controls at Edmund Optics.

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이미징 렌즈 선택 가이드

Fixed focal length, zoom, and macro lenses are all variable magnification lenses. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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High-Power Optical Coating의 복잡성

Want to know more about high-power optical coatings? Find out more about the importance, fabrication, and testing at Edmund Optics.

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레이저 빔 익스팬더

Laser beam expanders are critical for reducing power density, minimizing beam diameter at a distance, and minimizing focused laser spot size.

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광학 필터

Do you want to learn about optical filters? Find terminology, fabrication techniques, a selection guide, and application examples at Edmund Optics.

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