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Edmund Optics®


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Search Results for: Longpass Edge and Dichroic Filters (4)

Trending in Optics: The Future of Optical Filters

New optical filters are being developed due to the advancements in applications and technologies. Learn more about the future of filters at Edmund Optics.

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Ultra-Thin Longpass and Shortpass Filters

Innovative ultra-thin filters provide flexibility, scratch resistance, and durability comparable to most hard oxide coatings. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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Schwarz Mirrors

Schwarz Mirrors eliminate stray light using black, engineered fused silica substrates that maintain desired characteristics while absorbing unwanted light.

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Ultraviolet Lasers

A new generation of small, cost-effective, CW ultraviolet (UV) lasers allows more applications to move to UV wavelengths for increased power and precision.

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