Large field of view telecentric imaging lenses allow for reduction of measurement and inspection time. Learn more about large FOV lenses at Edmund Optics.
Debating whether or not to use a traditional cylinder lens or an achromatic cylinder lens? Discover the benefits of achromatic cylinder lenses at Edmund Optics.
Learn how Edmund Optics maintains optical performance across the entire image plane through this resolution and contrast comparison using our C Series FFL lens.
While working with machine vision, there are different types of filters that can be used to alter the image. Find out about the different types at Edmund Optics.
Cinema lenses designed to create content tailored for online streaming utilize aspheres to shoot with a shallow depth of field while maintaining quality.
Color-corrected optical lenses are ideal for many applications because they reduce multiple aberrations. Learn more about the advantages at Edmund Optics.
Do you need to integrate optical components into a laser system? Make sure you consider laser damage threshold before you do! Find out more at Edmund Optics.
Four major trending topics in machine vision technology include edge artificial intelligence (edge AI), AI paired with high-resolution sensors, event-based machine vision, and affordability of SWIR sensor technology.
Learn more about the advantages of telecentricity, including parallax error elimination, telecentric lenses, depth of field, and distortion, at Edmund Optics.
Wavelengths can be both valuable or hazardous when trying to obtain information from an imaging system. Learn more about fixing wavelength issues at Edmund Optics.
In order to understand vignetting, it is important to understand sensor sizes, formats, and roll-off and relative illumination. Find out more at Edmund Optics.
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