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Edmund Optics®


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Search Results for: Linear Positioning Stages (12)

Linear Polarizer

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Manual Translation Stages 선택을 위한 중요한 개념

Edmund Optics offers a variety of ball bearing, crossed roller bearing, dovetail, and rack and pinion translation stages for linear translation, rotary, and tip-tilt movement.

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Precision Positioning에서의 오차 발생 원인 파악

Understanding the source of inaccurate and imprecise errors can help formulate strategies to prevent or correct them. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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Swivel Joint Assembly 제작 방법

Quick demonstration with step-by-setup instructions for building an optical cage system swivel joint assembly.

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광학 케이지 시스템 어플리케이션: DIC(Differential Interference Contrast) 디지털 현미경

Differential interference microscopy enhances the contrast of object features that are otherwise difficult to observe using brightfield microscopy.

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기성 부품을 활용한 Optical Isolator 설계 방법

Many laser applications are prone to specular reflections back into the source, causing overheating and decreased stability and lifetime.

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Spatial Filter 이해하기

Do you have a question about spatial filters? Learn more about how spatial filters are used with lasers and improve a beam at Edmund Optics.

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Imaging Electronics 101: 보다 개선된 이미징 결과를 위한 디지털 카메라 설정의 기본 사항

Do you want to improve your imaging results? Go back to the basics of camera settings, learn how these important aspects can affect your image at Edmund Optics.

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Fluorescence Microscopy: Imaging Filters가 장착된 In-Line Illumination

Want to know about fluorescence microscopy? Read this article by a Biomedical Product Line Engineer at Edmund Optics to learn more.

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Imaging Electronics 101: Machine Vision 용도에 적합한 카메라 종류 및 인터페이스

Are you new to imaging or looking for a refresh on camera types? Learn about the advantages to camera types, digital interfaces, and more at Edmund Optics.

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올바른 조명 선택

Not sure which type of illumination you should use for your system? Learn more about the pros and cons of different illumination types at Edmund Optics.

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Waveplate 이해하기

Waveplates (retarders) are different when used in polarized light than unpolarized light. Consider terminology, fabrication, or applications at Edmund Optics.

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