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Edmund Optics®


 검증된 라이브러리로 240명 이상의 글로벌 엔지니어가 참여하여 만든 신뢰할 수 있는 기술 자료를 제공합니다.

Search Results for: Multi-Element Tube System (67)

Infinite Conjugate Tube Length

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Key Parameters of a Laser System

Learn the key parameters that must be considered to ensure you laser application is successful. Common terminology will be established for these parameters.

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Doubler Tube

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Tube Lens

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Non-Circular Optics for System Miniaturization

Trimming the Fat: Truncating Lenses to Shrink Systems

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Cathode Ray Tube(CRT, 음극선관)

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TECHSPEC Optical Cage System 소개

Designed for modularity and flexibility, Edmund Optics' TECHSPEC Optical Cage System components are high precision alternatives to complex optical alignment systems.

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Tube Lenses를 Infinity Corrected Objectives와 사용하기

Want to use an infinity corrected objective to make an image? You will need a tube lens to do it! Find out why and how it works at Edmund Optics.

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Optical Cage System 디자인 예

Not sure how you can enhance an opical cage system? Check out examples of different design examples applicable for small and large systems at Edmund Optics.

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Understanding Lens Choices for Machine Vision Systems

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Using optical filters to enhance image contrast

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Aspherized Achromatic Lenses

Want an inside look at Aspherized Achromatic Lenses? Learn about the advantages, composition, and aspherized process at Edmund Optics.

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Multi-Axis Stage 구성: 파트 I: X-Y 설정

Learn how to make repeatable adjustments in more than one direction for any demanding optics, imaging, or photonics application with this simple, three minute video.

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Multi-Axis Stage 구성: 파트 II: X-Y-Z 설정

Continuing from where Part I: X-Y Setup ends, learn how to add a Z-axis to an existing X-Y configuration to achieve three degrees of freedom.

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Digital Video Microscope 대물렌즈 설치

Digital video microscopes use a camera to capture and record images. Read more about the components needed to assemble a video microscope at Edmund Optics.

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9 Tips to Maximize Your Machine Vision System

Edmund Optics' experts discuss best practices for creating sophisticated, cost-effective imaging solutions.

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Tips to Maximize Your Machine Vision System - Spanish

Edmund Optics' experts discuss best practices for creating sophisticated, cost-effective imaging solutions. (Spanish Version)

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기성 광학으로 설계 시 필요한 5가지 팁

Have a time or budget restraint? Check out these tips and advantages for designing applications with standard, off-the-shelf optics at Edmund Optics.

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How to Choose the Right Laser Beam Expander for Your System

Join us for a discussion about the many types of beam expanders for laser optics systems. From fixed and variable magnification to ultrafast, there are a variety of different styles of beam expanders with their own sets of design challenges.

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Optical Cage System에 C-mount 부품 사용하기

Edmund Optics' fixed, adjustable, and kinematic mounting components can easily be integrated into optical systems.

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Microscope와 Objective 이해

Learn about the different components used to build a microscope, key concepts, and specifications at Edmund Optics.

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The Future of Microscope Objectives

Advances in Microscopy Tackle the Challenges of the Future

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Interchangeable Optical Mount 및 Side Access Mounting Plate

This is a quick video demonstration of integrating an optical cage system interchangeable optical mount and side access mounting plate using #85-717 and #85-641.

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Swivel Joint Assembly 제작 방법

Quick demonstration with step-by-setup instructions for building an optical cage system swivel joint assembly.

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광학 제품 사용 사례

Looking for application examples? Find examples for Detector Systems, Selecting the Right Lens, and Building a Projection System at Edmund Optics.

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광학 케이지 시스템 어플리케이션: DIC(Differential Interference Contrast) 디지털 현미경

Differential interference microscopy enhances the contrast of object features that are otherwise difficult to observe using brightfield microscopy.

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Liquid Lens 개론

Imaging lens performance can be enhanced with the use of liquid lenses. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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2012 Zombie Holiday

Happy Holidays from EO! Friends, is this not what the holidays are all about?

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Four-Rod Insertion Plate

This is a quick demonstration of integrating a four-rod insertion plate with a sample cage system using #85-643.

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