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Edmund Optics®


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Search Results for: Teledyne FLIR Cameras (13)

Basis of a Filter and How to Choose, How to Use (フィルターの基礎と選び方・使い方)

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다이아몬드 정밀 선삭 가공(SPDT): EO의 Build-to-Print 제작 공법

Edmund Optics utilizes Diamond Turning to produce a wide range of high precision optical components.

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EO 제품 채택 성공 사례: EyeTech Digital Systems의 TM4

The Future Depends on Optics®

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Innovation Summit November 2022

Mastering Machine Vision Integration

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Filtering in Machine Vision

While working with machine vision, there are different types of filters that can be used to alter the image. Find out about the different types at Edmund Optics.

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극초단 시스템의 열렌즈 효과 최소화하기

Specialized coatings can minimize thermal lensing in ultrafast laser systems, which are particularly susceptible to detrimental thermal effects.

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레이저 어플리케이션을 위한 REFLECTIVE OPTICS

Beam Conditioning Optics for UV, IR, and Broadband Lasers

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SWIR 이란?

Have a question about short-wave infrared (SWIR)? Find definitions, application uses, and examples at Edmund Optics.

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Trends in Machine Vision Camera Technology

Four major trending topics in machine vision technology include edge artificial intelligence (edge AI), AI paired with high-resolution sensors, event-based machine vision, and affordability of SWIR sensor technology.

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CMOS 센서 기술의 진보

Sensor Manufacturing Designs & Methods

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Trending Liquid Lenses in Imaging

Quickly Autofocus and Overcome Depth of Field Limitations

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Ruggedized Imaging Systems for Harsh Environments

The growth of automation has introduced machine vision lenses to more harsh environments involving shock, vibration, contaminants, and temperature swings.

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Imaging Electronics 101: Machine Vision 용도에 적합한 카메라 종류 및 인터페이스

Are you new to imaging or looking for a refresh on camera types? Learn about the advantages to camera types, digital interfaces, and more at Edmund Optics.

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