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Innovation Summit December 2021

December 14, 2021

Defining the Future of Imaging

Precision, Accuracy, Confidence

Many of the industrial advancements that have occurred over the past few decades are a direct result of the continuously improving quality and precision of optical imaging systems.




    Precision and design for manufacturability leads to precise imaging systems. 

    Greg Hollows
    Greg Hollows
    Vice President, Imaging Business Unit, Edmund Optics®
    Virginia Figueroa
    Virginia Figueroa
    Operations Manager, Edmund Optics® Tucson Manufacturing

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    Virginia Figueroa, Operations Manager for Edmund Optics' new manufacturing facility in Tucson, Arizona, provides an overview on what to expect from her keynote panel discussion during the next Innovation Summit.


    What is telecentricity and how can it be used to improve an imaging system? Learn how through this lab demostration.

    Nick Sischka
    Nick Sischka
    Imaging Manager, Edmund Optics®
    Mary Turner
    Mary Turner
    Technical Fellow, Optical Design, Edmund Optics®

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    Looking to improve your imaging system? Mary Turner, Technical Fellow at Edmund Optics Tucson, will address the effects of telecentricty and how you can utilize it in your systems. Join us at our upcoming Innovation Summit to learn more!


    15 Minute Break



    Filters can improve image contrast by nearly 20%. Learn about why color consideration is so important for machine vision during this lab demostration.

    Nick Sischka
    Nick Sischka
    Imaging Manager, Edmund Optics®
    Olivia Fehlberg
    Olivia Fehlberg
    Design Engineer, Edmund Optics®


    Learn through this lab demostration the different types of distortion that can affect the quality of your system.

    Nick Sischka
    Nick Sischka
    Imaging Manager, Edmund Optics®
    Jeremy Govier
    Jeremy Govier
    Principal Engineer, Imaging, Edmund Optics®


    15 minute Break



    Ensure that the system components used in your application withstand the many possible harsh environmental factors through this interactive presentation.

    Boris Lange
    Boris Lange
    Manager, Imaging Europe, Edmund Optics®
  • Virtual Sessions & Q&A


    Join us for some additional ideas, thoughts, and discussions.


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Check out our keynote presentation about lens design and precision imaging featuring Greg Hollows, Vice President, Imaging Business Unit, and Virginia Figueroa, Operations Manager, Tucson Manufacturing.

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Take a deep dive into the Imaging Lab with Nick Sischka, Imaging Manager, on the Advantages of Telecentricity.

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Learn why color consideration is so important for machine vision during this clip from our Innovation Summit series: Precision, Accuracy, Confidence!

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Distortion can affect imaging system quality. Learn why from Nick Sischka and Jeremy Govier through this hands-on demo clip.

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100% Virtual, 100% Genuine, 100% Free.

An opportunity for quality learning to stimulate innovation in the imaging industry for years to come.

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