제품이 장바구니에 추가됨

36" L x 24" W, Resolving Power Chart

재고 번호 #83-001 3~5일내 배송
Quantity Selector - Use the plus and minus buttons to adjust the quantity. +
KRW 76,900
수량 1-4
KRW 76,900
수량 5+
KRW 74,000
가격(부가세 별도)
견적 요청



Do to the nature of the printing process, maximum resolvable resolution is an only an estimate.

Physical & Mechanical Properties

Length (inches):
Width (inches):

Optical Properties

Substrate: Many glass manufacturers offer the same material characteristics under different trade names. Learn More
White Poster Paper
Minimum: Group -2, Element 1
Maximum Estimated: Group 2, Element 1

Regulatory Compliance

Certificate of Conformance:


  • Test for Astigmatism
  • USAF Test Pattern in Black, Red, Yellow, and Blue
  • 6 Elements in 6 Groups

USAF 패턴이 검정, 빨강, 노랑, 파랑으로 인쇄되어 있어서 색수차 테스트와 90도로 astigmatism (난시) 교정을 위해 사용 가능합니다.


Number of Line Pairs / mm in USAF Resolving Power Test Target 1951
Group No.
-2 -1 0 1 2 3
1 0.250 0.500 1.00 2.00 4.00 8.00
2 0.280 0.561 1.12 2.24 4.49 8.98
3 0.315 0.630 1.26 2.52 5.04 10.10
4 0.353 0.707 1.41 2.83 5.66 11.30
5 0.397 0.793 1.59 3.17 6.35 12.70
6 0.445 0.891 1.78 3.56 7.13 14.30

연계하여 사용 가능한 제품

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