This comparison of the performance of aspheric, achromatic, and spherical PCX lenses in different situations reveals the ideal use cases for each type of lens.
Do you want to know more about the importance of optical specifications? Learn the different types of specifications and their impact on your system at Edmund Optics.
Keys to Cost Effective Optical Design and Tolerancing
Are you looking for ways to make cost effective optical designs? Find more information on selecting specifications and using tolerancing schemes at Edmund Optics.
Meniscus lenses offer superior performance compared to plano convex lenses in IR applications. Find out the benefits of using a meniscus lens at Edmund Optics.
Modifying Stock Optics Tip #3: Turn A Sphere Into An Asphere
Join Andrew Fisher, Manufacturing R&D Engineer at Edmund Optics, as he discusses some tips for modifying stock optical components to fit your application's needs.
I am looking to prototype an illumination system. My objective is to use a small halogen filament bulb and end up with a beam of light. What would be the best lens or lens combination to give me this projected spot of light?
The diffraction pattern caused when light passes through an aperture is called the Airy Disk. Find out how the Airy Disk can impact your image at Edmund Optics.
Although a common misconception, individual optical lenses do not always form an image when the object plane is placed a focal length away from the lens.
Modifying Stock Optics Tip #4: Add A Coating To A Stock Lens
Join Andrew Fisher, Manufacturing R&D Engineer at Edmund Optics, as he discusses some tips for modifying stock optical components to fit your application's needs.
Stock and Custom Optics Manufacturing Capabilities
Edmund Optics is a global stock and custom optics manufacturing company with in house optical designers and on-site metrology and environmental testing.
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