제품이 장바구니에 추가됨
TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. TECHSPEC® 부품은 에드몬드 옵틱스가 설계, 사양 지정 및 제조하는 제품입니다. 더 알아보기

25mm ID Rotary Mount, M6

Rotary Mount, M6, #85-658

재고 #85-658 3~5일내 배송
Quantity Selector - Use the plus and minus buttons to adjust the quantity. +
KRW 179,800
수량 1+
KRW 179,800
가격(부가세 별도)
견적 요청
제품 정보 다운로드
Plate Inner Diameter (mm):
Bolt Circle Diameter for 6mm Dia. Thru (mm):
Bolt Circle Diameter for M3 Tapped (mm):

Product Details

Type of Optics:
Circular/Cylindrical Tube

Physical & Mechanical Properties

Dimensions (mm):
50 Dia.
Thickness (mm):
Black Anodized Aluminum

Threading & Mounting

Compatible Post:
M6 x 1.0

Regulatory Compliance

RoHS 2015:
Certificate of Conformance:
Reach 235:

제품군의 상세 설명

  • 광학 부품을 고정하거나 위치를 조절하도록 특별 고안된 플레이트
  • 아노다이징 처리된 알루미늄 구조에 스테인리스 스틸 나사 보유
  • RMS Mounting Thread가 있는 X-Y Micro Positioning Plate

TECHSPEC® Cage System Adjustable Plates는 회전, 팁-틸트, 선형 조절을 제공하면서 TECHSPEC Cage System 내부에 광학 부품을 결합하는 데 사용됩니다. Rotary Mount는 M6 또는 ¼-20 mounting thread와 사용이 가능하며 25mm cage system plate 내부 직경에 맞도록 설계되었습니다. Kinematic Cage Mounting Plate는 30mm cage system plate와 호환이 가능하며 cage system 어셈블리의 키네마틱 조정이 가능하도록 합니다. X-Y Micro Position Stage Plate에는 6mm rod hole을 비롯해 7mm clear aperture, X-Y micro-positioner, RMS threaded mount가 있어 장착 시 정밀한 정렬을 특징으로 합니다.


Getting Started Using the Cage System Components Kit

The TECHSPEC cage system components kit allows you to create a simple or base of a system. Find out more about the contents of the kit at Edmund Optics.

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Optical Cage System Application: Michelson Interferometer

Need to create a Michelson Interferometer? Find out how the TECHSPEC Optical Cage System can be an ideal solution at Edmund Optics.

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Optical Cage System 디자인 예

Not sure how you can enhance an opical cage system? Check out examples of different design examples applicable for small and large systems at Edmund Optics.

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Optical Cage System에 C-mount 부품 사용하기

Edmund Optics' fixed, adjustable, and kinematic mounting components can easily be integrated into optical systems.

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Four-Rod Insertion Plate

This is a quick demonstration of integrating a four-rod insertion plate with a sample cage system using #85-643.

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Filter Holder Plate 및 교환 가능한 Filter Holder

Easily add and remove optical filters from any cage system setup after viewing this quick demonstration of integrating a filter holder plate and interchangeable filter holder using #86-018 and #85-649.

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TECHSPEC Optical Cage System 소개

Designed for modularity and flexibility, Edmund Optics' TECHSPEC Optical Cage System components are high precision alternatives to complex optical alignment systems.

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Swivel Joint Assembly 제작 방법

Quick demonstration with step-by-setup instructions for building an optical cage system swivel joint assembly.

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Integrating a Linear Translation Assembly into Optical Cage Systems

Do you need to add linear translation to an optical cage system? Find step by step instructions for incorporating a linear translation assembly at Edmund Optics.

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Interchangeable Optical Mount 및 Side Access Mounting Plate

This is a quick video demonstration of integrating an optical cage system interchangeable optical mount and side access mounting plate using #85-717 and #85-641.

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Optical Cage System Application: Digital Video Microscope

Are you looking to simplify the assembly of a digital video microscope? Find out how a TECHSPEC Optical Cage System allows for quick build at Edmund Optics.

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광학 케이지 시스템 어플리케이션: DIC(Differential Interference Contrast) 디지털 현미경

Differential interference microscopy enhances the contrast of object features that are otherwise difficult to observe using brightfield microscopy.

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Normal Load Capacity




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