에드몬드옵틱스는 당사 웹사이트의 기능과 콘텐츠를 최적화하고 개선하기 위해 쿠키를 사용합니다.‘OK’ 버튼을 클릭하면 전체 쿠키 정책에 동의하게 되며,‘세부 정보 표시’ 버튼을 클릭하면 더 자세한 정보를 확인할 수 있습니다.당사는 수집된 쿠키를 통해 제공되는 정보를 판매하지 않으며 해당 정보는 사용자 경험을 개선하는 용도로만 사용됩니다.
이 공급자가 수집하는 일부 데이터는 개인화 및 광고 효과 측정을 위한 것입니다.
이 공급자가 수집하는 일부 데이터는 개인화 및 광고 효과 측정을 위한 것입니다.
이 공급자가 수집하는 일부 데이터는 개인화 및 광고 효과 측정을 위한 것입니다.
이 공급자가 수집하는 일부 데이터는 개인화 및 광고 효과 측정을 위한 것입니다.
Ultrafast laser sources and their short pulse durations (<10ps) have revolutionized many areas of research including but not limited to spectroscopy, advanced imaging, microscopy, neuroscience, quantum sensing and material processing.
In an effort to support outstanding undergraduate and graduate research groups and departments using ultrafast lasers, Edmund Optics® will be awarding 30 global awards to such research groups ("Departments" or "Groups" or "Programs").
Anyone involved in an existing or newly formed research group (who has reached the age of majority in their state of residence) may submit an application, including undergraduate and graduate students, PhD students, post-doctoral researchers, lab managers, teaching assistants and professors.
To apply for an Educational Award, simply go to our award submission page and complete an application designed to take you less than 10 minutes. The application requests information about you, the Group, Department, Program, or Organization in which you conduct research, as well as the types of products you would select if (i) your Program was to receive an Educational Award and (ii) you could direct how the award was spent. APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED ON OR BEFORE Friday, November 1, 2024.
Yes. While there is no advantage to you submitting multiple Educational Award applications, Edmund Optics welcomes applications from other people involved in your group. To the extent these other applications provide additional information about your group or project , they may increase the chance of your group receiving an Educational Award.
Educational Awards will be given only to groups at non-profit colleges or universities located inside or outside of the United States that agree to the Educational Award terms set by Edmund Optics. Such terms may include a release of liability, product use and transferability restrictions and conditions related to Edmund Optics publicizing the award. In the event a college or university refuses to agree to any such terms, Edmund Optics will select another group to receive the Educational Award. Educational Awards will not be awarded to the individuals who apply for the Educational Award.
The groups that receive awards ("Award Recipients") will be determined at the sole discretion of the Edmund Optics Ultrafast Educational Award Team.
The Educational Award Team will select Recipients as follows: First, from the groups for which Edmund Optics has received applications, the Award Team will select a series of finalists. Second, the Award Team may ask those who submitted applications on behalf of these finalists for more detailed information about their research group. Finally, based on the information received from these finalists and the information in their original award applications, the Award Team will choose from these finalists Gold, Silver, and Bronze Award Recipients.
The Award Team will select finalists and the Gold, Silver, and Bronze Award Recipients based on the following criteria:
Award Recipients may use their Educational Award to purchase all standard components as viewed online or in the Edmund Optics catalog. No cash will be provided. Limitations may apply to products that are not in stock or that are on backorder. Products selected by the Award Recipients will be valued at the retail price at the time of the award redemption. Edmund Optics will pay the Award Recipient's product shipping costs, but Edmund Optics is not responsible for any customs or duties that may apply.
All submissions for the Edmund Optics Ultrafast Educational Award who complete an additional application question will be eligible for the Norman Edmund Inspiration Award – an additional $5,000 USD in product donations.
All applicants may choose to answer one additional qualification question as part of the application process. The Norman Edmund Inspiration Award will be determined at the sole discretion of the Edmund Optics Board of Directors Committee and awarded to the group that best embodies the legacy of Edmund Optics' founder Norman Edmund. Mr. Edmund was the creator and entrepreneurial spirit behind Edmund Scientific, which later evolved into Edmund Optics. He is credited with inspiring many generations of young talent to become interested in science and engineering through his thought-provoking catalog of optics, science experiments, and learning tools. He is remembered by all for his generosity, curiosity, and love of science.
Edmund Optics will announce the winner of the Norman Edmund Inspiration Award on December 20, 2024. All terms and conditions listed above apply to the redemption of the Norman Edmund Inspiration Award.
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Copyright 2023, 에드몬드옵틱스코리아 사업자 등록번호: 110-81-74657 | 대표이사: 앙텍하우 | 통신판매업 신고번호: 제 2022-서울마포-0965호, 서울특별시 마포구 월드컵북로 21, 7층 (서교동, 풍성빌딩)