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TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. TECHSPEC® 부품은 에드몬드 옵틱스가 설계, 사양 지정 및 제조하는 제품입니다. 더 알아보기

Draconis™ Nd:YAG Laser Line Beam Expanders

TECHSPEC® Draconis™ Nd:YAG Laser Line Beam Expanders

TECHSPEC® Draconis™ Nd:YAG Laser Line Beam Expanders

  • 532nm, 1064nm의 Nd:YAG 레이저 파장을 위해 AR 코팅 설계됨
  • 3X - 10X의 고정 배율 이용 가능
  • 비회전식 광학 디자인으로 발산각 조절이 가능해 빔의 이탈을 최소화함

공통 스펙

Housing Diameter (mm):
Mounting Threads:
Input: Male C-Thread (1” x 32 TPI)
Output: Male T2-Thread (M42 x 0.75)
Angle of Incidence (°):
Exit Aperture (mm):
Focus Range:
1.5m - ∞
Fused Silica (Corning 7980)
Divergence Adjustment:
Non-Rotating Optics
DWL (nm)  Expansion Power   Wavelength Range (nm)   Entrance Aperture (mm)   Exit Aperture (mm)   Substrate   제품 비교하기   재고 번호   가격(부가세 별도)  구입하기
532 3X 510 - 555 11 33 Fused Silica #59-125 KRW 1,177,600 수량 5+ KRW 1,041,200   견적 요청  
  • 3~5일내 배송
532 5X 510 - 555 10 33 Fused Silica #59-126 KRW 1,223,600 수량 5+ KRW 1,085,900   견적 요청  
  • 3~5일내 배송
532 10X 510 - 555 8 33 Fused Silica #59-127 KRW 1,264,100 수량 5+ KRW 1,113,600   견적 요청  
  • 3~5일내 배송
1064 3X 1030 - 1100 11 33 Fused Silica #59-128 KRW 1,177,600 수량 5+ KRW 1,041,200   견적 요청  
  • 3~5일내 배송
1064 5X 1030 - 1100 10 33 Fused Silica #59-129 KRW 1,223,600 수량 5+ KRW 1,085,900   견적 요청  
  • 3~5일내 배송
1064 10X 1030 - 1100 8 33 Fused Silica #59-130 KRW 1,264,100 수량 5+ KRW 1,113,600   견적 요청  
  • 품절/문의요망

TECHSPEC® Draconis™ Nd:YAG Laser Line Beam Expanders는 Nd:YAG 레이저 파장에 최적화되고 이에 대한 검증을 거친 고성능 광학 디자인을 특징으로 합니다. 이 빔 익스팬더는 넓은 입사 빔의 직경과 광수용각에서 발생하는 회절 한계 성능을 제공하기 때문에 매우 중요한 정렬(alignment)의 필요성을 없애줍니다. 슬라이드식 광학 디자인으로 기계적 조절이 가능해 발산각 또는 시준으로 인한 에러를 보정할 수 있습니다. 내부 표면에 고스트 이미지가 발생하지 않는 성능 덕분에 고출력 레이저와의 사용이 보장됩니다. TECHSPEC™ Draconis™ Nd:YAG Laser Line Beam Expanders C 및 T input/output mounting thread는 에드몬드 옵틱스의 threaded mounting components 제품군과 호환되며, 별도의 mounting clamp를 사용해 장착할 수도 있습니다. Laser Beam Expander는 레이저 커팅, 용접, 마킹 등을 포함한 모든 Nd:YAG 용도에 적합합니다.

TECHSPEC Draconis™ Broadband Beam Expanders 또한 이용이 가능합니다. 합리적인 비용의 제품이 필요한 경우에는 에드몬드 옵틱스의 TECHSPEC Scorpii™ Nd:YAG Beam Expanders 또한 이용할 수 있습니다. HeNe 레이저 어플리케이션의 경우에는 TECHSPEC Arcturus™ HeNe Beam Expanders를 이용할 수 있습니다. 회전식 광학 부품을 수용하는 어플리케이션의 경우에는 TECHSPEC Vega™ Laser Line Beam ExpandersTECHSPEC Vega™ Broadband Beam Expanders를 이용할 수 있습니다. 광대역 또는 초고속 어플리케이션의 경우에는 TECHSPEC Canopus™ Reflective Beam Expanders를 이용할 수 있습니다.
532nm 버전은 흔히 사용되는 530nm 레이저 용도와 호환이 가능하며, 1064nm 버전은 1060nm, 1070nm, 1075nm에서 레이저 용도로 사용하기 적합합니다.

Fixed Laser Beam Expanders

제목 제품 비교하기재고 번호  가격(부가세 별도) 구입하기
M30 x 1.0 Male to C-Mount Female Step-Down Adapter #36-302 KRW 63,800 수량 10+ KRW 56,600   견적 요청
  • 3~5일내 배송
4-Axis Mount for M27x1 #15-473 KRW 1,319,500 수량 5+ KRW 1,189,000   견적 요청
  • 3~5일내 배송
M27 x 1.0 to C-Mount Adapter, 32mm Flange #14-668 KRW 63,800 수량 10+ KRW 56,600   견적 요청
  • 3~5일내 배송
M43 Male to M42 Female Step-Down Adapter #59-137 KRW 63,800 수량 10+ KRW 56,600   견적 요청
  • 3~5일내 배송
Mounting Clamp, English #59-475 KRW 159,500 수량 5+ KRW 145,000   견적 요청
  • 3~5일내 배송
Mounting Clamp, Metric #59-476 KRW 159,500 수량 5+ KRW 145,000   견적 요청
  • 3~5일내 배송

레이저 부품의 LIDT 이해와 표기

Laser induced damage threshold (LIDT) denotes the maximum laser fluence an optical component can withstand with an acceptable amount of risk.

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무반사(AR) 코팅

Anti-reflection (AR) coatings are applied to optical components to increase throughput and reduce hazards caused by back-reflections.

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Gaussian Beams Calculator

가우시안 빔의 전파

Understanding Gaussian beam propagation is critical for understanding laser systems because many lasers are assumed to have Gaussian profiles.

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Advantages of Using Beam Expanders

Learn more about the advantages of using beam expanders in laser optics applications, with examples on spot size and beam size, at Edmund Optics.

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회전식 vs. 슬라이드식 빔 익스팬더 포커싱 메커니즘

Sliding focusing mechanisms for laser beam expanders cause less beam wander than rotating focusing mechanisms, but they use more complex mechanics and are typically more expensive.

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The Unintuitive Balancing Act of Beam Expander Properties to Maximize Focused Spot Intensity

Surprisingly, intentionally clipping a laser beam going through a higher magnification beam expander can be the optimal solution.

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Vega™ Laser Line Beam Expanders

The TECHSPEC® Vega™ Laser Line Beam Expanders from Edmund Optics® are divergence adjustable to compensate for input beam divergence.

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기성 광학을 활용한 Beam Expander 제작 방법

Are standard beam expanders not meeting your application requirements? Learn how to design your own beam expander using stock optics at Edmund Optics.

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Can A Beam Expander be Used in Reverse?

Beam expanders can be used in reverse to decrease a laser beam's diameter, but divergence will be increased.

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빔 익스팬더 선택 가이드

Not sure which beam expander will work best in your application? Check out EO's Beam Expander Selection Guide to easily compare each type at Edmund Optics.

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빔 익스팬더 테스트

Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors are used to test the transmitted wavefront error of laser beam expanders, predicting the real-world performance of the beam expander.

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레이저 빔 익스팬더

Laser beam expanders are critical for reducing power density, minimizing beam diameter at a distance, and minimizing focused laser spot size.

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Laser Optics Lab: Beam Expander Configurations & Designs

Laser beam expanders consist of transmissive configurations, with Galilean or Keplerian designs, and reflective configurations, which use a series of mirrors, similar to microscope designs.

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Laser Beam Quality: Beam propagation and quality factors: A primer

I thought beam expanders increased a laser beam's size. How can that help me to get a smaller spot?

Is there any means to automatically modulate (via a computer) the waist of a Gaussian beam emerging from a lens?

Beam Expander

Collimated Light

Sliding Focusing Mechanism

What are the advantages of increasing lens diameter in high-power optical systems?

Increasing the diameter of optical components reduces power or energy density in a system, reducing the likelihood of laser-induced damage in high-power...

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Beam Diameter(빔의 직경)

Beam Divergence

Beam Width(빔의 너비)



Gaussian Beam

Strehl Ratio

Light Sheet Microscopy

Light sheet fluorescence microscopy uses a 2D laser sheet to illuminate a thin slice of the sample and excite fluorescence, reducing phototoxicity and damage.

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Free-Space Optical Communication – TRENDING IN OPTICS: EPISODE 6

Free-space optical (FSO) communications transmit information wirelessly through the air using lasers with improved bandwidth. Learn more!

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Development of a Robust Laser Damage Threshold Testbed

Development of US national laser damage standard: 2020 status

LIDT 스펙의 불확실성

Laser induced damage threshold (LIDT) of optics is a statistical value influenced by defect density, the testing method, and fluctuations in the laser.

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Different Types of LIDT Specifications

Not all optical components are tested for laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) and testing methods differ, resulting in different types of LIDT specifications.

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Key Parameters of a Laser System

Learn the key parameters that must be considered to ensure you laser application is successful. Common terminology will be established for these parameters.

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Laser Damage Threshold 테스트

Do you need to integrate optical components into a laser system? Make sure you consider laser damage threshold before you do! Find out more at Edmund Optics.

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레이저 광학 계측 기술

Metrology is critical for ensuring that optical components consistently meet their desired specifications, especially in laser applications.

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Laser Polarization: The Importance of Polarization in Laser Applications

Understanding the polarization of laser light is critical for many applications, as polarization impacts reflectance, focusing the beam, and other key behaviors.

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Laser Optics Lab Trailer

The Laser Optics Lab video series discusses laser optics concepts including specifications, coating technologies, product types, and more

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Introduction to Laser Optics Lab

The Laser Optics Lab video series discusses laser optics concepts including specifications, coating technologies, product types, and more

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Laser Optics Lab:Back Reflections

Back reflections are created when some or part of your beam are reflected back to the source.

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Laser Optics Lab: Coatings

Optical coatings are composed of thin-film layers used to enhance transmission or reflection properties within an optical system.

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Laser Optics Lab:Specifications for Selecting a Laser

When determining which laser to use for your application, consider the following specifications: wavelength, coherence length, beam divergence, and Rayleigh range.

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LIGHT TALK - EPISODE 3: Laser Damage Testing with Matthew Dabney

Join our discussion around laser damage testing in the third episode of our LIGHT TALKS series.

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LIGHT TALK - EPISODE 4: Lasers & Optics with Kasia Sieluzycka and Nick Smith

Learn about trends in laser applications including increasing powers and decreasing pulse durations in this conversation with Kasia Sieluzycka and Nick Smith.

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LIGHT TALK - EPISODE 8: Laser Magic! with Angi Compatangelo

From tattoo removal to diagnosing cancer, lasers can transform our lives in countless ways. Join our conversation about laser in skin care and diagnostics.

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Resolving damage ambiguity and laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) complications

The art and science of designing optics for laser-induced damage threshold

What makes laser optics different from normal optics?

Building a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer

Learn how to assemble, align, and use a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer completely out of off-the-shelf products from Edmund Optics in this detailed guide.

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Clear Aperture (CA)


Laser Damage Threshold


EO의 글로벌 제조 설비

Edmund Optics® (EO) manufactures millions of precision optical components and subassemblies every year in our 5 global manufacturing facilities.

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에드몬드 옵틱스의 계측 기술: 핵심 부품 제조 시 계측 공정

Learn about the metrology that Edmund Optics® uses to guarantee the quality of all optical components and assemblies.

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