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TECHSPEC® components are designed, specified, or manufactured by Edmund Optics. TECHSPEC® 부품은 에드몬드 옵틱스가 설계, 사양 지정 및 제조하는 제품입니다. 더 알아보기

Half-Penta Prisms

  • 시선을 45° 굴절시킴
  • Schmidt Prism과 결합되어 Pechan Prism을 만듬
  • Penta Prism도 이용 가능함

공통 스펙

Dimensional Tolerance (mm):
Protective bevel as needed
VIS 0° & Aluminized
Surface Quality:
Angle Tolerance (arcmin):
Image Orientation:
Coating Specification:
Entrance/Exit Faces: Ravg ≤0.4% @ 425 - 675nm
Reflecting Surface: Ravg >85% @ 400 - 700nm w/Black Overpaint
Ray Deviation (°):
Wavelength Range (nm):
425 - 675
Power (fringes) @ 632.8nm:
Irregularity (fringes) @ 632.8nm:
 Width (mm)   Height (mm)   Coating   Wavelength Range (nm)   제품 비교하기   재고 번호   가격(부가세 별도)  구입하기
10.00 14.14 VIS 0° & Aluminized 425 - 675 #65-587 KRW 221,900 수량 6+ KRW 178,400   견적 요청  
  • 3~5일내 배송
25.00 35.35 VIS 0° & Aluminized 425 - 675 #65-590 KRW 271,200 수량 6+ KRW 217,500   견적 요청  
  • 3~5일내 배송

Half-penta prisms은 이미지를 반전시키지 않고도 시선을 45° 각도로 편향시키는 데 사용됩니다. 반사면은 알루미늄으로 도금이 되어 있으며 효율을 높이기 위해 Inconel과 black 페인트로 코팅되어 있습니다. TECHSPEC® Half-Penta Prism을 적당한 크기의 TECHSPEC® Schmidt Prism과 결합하면 Pechan Prism pair가 생성됩니다. Pechan Prism pair는 시선을 편향시키지 않으면서 이미지를 반전 또는 역전시킵니다. 시스템 크기 감소를 위해 빛의 수렴 또는 발산에 사용될 수 있습니다.

Half-Penta Prism Tunnel Diagram
Half-Penta Prism Tunnel Diagram

기술 정보

Stock No. A B C D
#65-587 10.00mm 10.82mm 2.07mm 14.14mm
#65-590 25.00mm 27.06mm 5.18mm 35.35mm

무반사(AR) 코팅

Anti-reflection (AR) coatings are applied to optical components to increase throughput and reduce hazards caused by back-reflections.

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광학 코팅 개론

Optical coatings are used to influence the transmission, reflection, or polarization properties of an optical component.

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Optical Prisms 소개

Learn about the different types of optical prisms, their applications, and how to select the right prism for your specific system.

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Optical Prism 리뷰

I’d like to adhere two prisms together, how can I effectively achieve this? Is there a specific adhesive that you recommend?

Dove Prism

Equilateral (Dispersing) Prism

Littrow Dispersion Prism

Penta Prism


Trihedral Prism (Corner Cube Retroreflector)

Prism Tunnel Diagrams

Optical Prism Application Examples

There are many types of optical prisms. Find examples, information, and applications for different types of optical prisms at Edmund Optics.

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What is the main application difference between the many types of prisms that you sell?

How do I calculate my working distance after my image is reflected from a right angle prism?

Can wedge prisms be used for beam stearing?

I’m looking for a way to invert my field of view. I’d like to invert the vertical not the horizontal dimension. Do you have a stock solution or do I have to look into custom?


Right Angle Prism


Total Internal Reflection (TIR)

Basic Principles of Raman Scattering and Spectroscopy

Raman spectroscopy is a technique used to identify the chemical composition of samples based on how light scatters off of them. Learn more & view related optics

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Surface Accuracy

BBAR Coating


표면 품질 이해하기

The surface quality of optical components the scattering off of its surface, which is especially important in laser optics applications.

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보호용 플라스틱 코팅 제거

A protective plastic coating protects a variety of our flat optics, such as optical windows, optical mirrors, and beamsplitters, from scratches during shipping.

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Anti-Reflection (AR) Coating


Seamed Edge

Introduction to Basic Ray Optics

An understanding of refraction and basic ray optics is a critical foundation for understanding more complicated optical concepts and technologies.

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Surface Flatness

How do I clean my optics?


EO의 글로벌 제조 설비

Edmund Optics® (EO) manufactures millions of precision optical components and subassemblies every year in our 5 global manufacturing facilities.

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에드몬드 옵틱스의 계측 기술: 핵심 부품 제조 시 계측 공정

Learn about the metrology that Edmund Optics® uses to guarantee the quality of all optical components and assemblies.

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Surface Quality

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